Blackjack Calculation

Blackjack Calculation
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Blackjack Hand Calculator

The Blackjack house edge calculator will help you see your and the casino odds in the specific game you are playing.

Blackjack Probability Calculator

Blackjack Calculator - Best Blackjack Strategy Trainer - This blackjack calculator will help teach you the correct play to make for every scenario possible. Our advanced algorithm allows you to customize different table rules so you can make the best informed decision to beat the house. It will calculate the best possible option depending on the criteria by telling you the best statistical play. Hit - If the move is listed as hit, then firstly make that decision on your Blackjack game. After you have your next card, input the card you've been dealt into the calculator. Stand - Stand on your Blackjack game and you're done with the hand. Split - Select split on the Blackjack game you're playing, then click Deal Again on our Strategy Calculator. Probability of obtaining a blackjack from the first two cards is P = 32/663 = 4.82654% in the case of a 1-deck game and P = 64/1339= 4.77968% in the case of a 2-deck game. Similarly, we can calculate the following probabilities. Playing Efficiency (PE): This is a measure of how effectively a counting system can be used to vary strategy. 0.70 is an approximate cap on the highest possible PE for a single parameter counting system. Betting Correlation (BC): This is a measure of how effective a system is in detecting the player’s advantage based on the remaining cards.It is based on how closely the card counting tags. A natural blackjack is only 4.8%, which essentially is an ace dealt with a ten card straight off the initial deal. Normally the odds are 3 to 2 and you would win $3 for every $2 wagered. It's a small percentage but it's the most desirable hand to get. The lowest hand you can get is two points (two aces).

  • 1. Select the Rules of the game
  • 2. Press 'Calculate' button

Blackjack Card Counting Calculator

In the first table you can see your odds according to dealer up card. The second table demonstrates the dealer probability of having a different outcome depending on the first card.

You may also try our other blackjack tools created for counting odds, generating strategies and training players.

Dealer upcardPlayer Odds
29.027 %
312.215 %
415.682 %
519.393 %
622.713 %
714.318 %
85.741 %
9-4.118 %
10-17.331 %
A-37.161 %
Total-0.886 %

Probability of outcome of dealer's hand

Blackjack CalculationBlackjack CalculationBlackjack calculator

Blackjack Calculation Crossword Puzzle

Probability of outcome of dealer's hand
235.4 %13.1 %13.7 %13.2 %12.6 %12 %0 %
337.5 %12.6 %13.3 %12.7 %12.3 %11.7 %0 %
439.6 %12.3 %12.6 %12.3 %11.8 %11.3 %0 %
541.7 %11.9 %12.4 %11.9 %11.3 %10.9 %0 %
643.7 %11.5 %11.5 %11.5 %11.1 %10.6 %0 %
726.2 %36.6 %13.9 %7.9 %7.9 %7.4 %0 %
824.4 %13 %35.7 %13 %7 %7 %0 %
922.9 %12.1 %11.9 %34.9 %12.1 %6.1 %0 %
1021.2 %11.3 %11.2 %11.3 %33.8 %3.5 %7.7 %
A13.9 %5.7 %14.4 %14.4 %14.4 %6.7 %30.5 %
Total28.5 %13.4 %14.2 %13.6 %18 %7.5 %4.7 %

How To Count 21 Blackjack

Blackjack Calculation

Blackjack Calculation Crossword

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