Best Strategy For Winning At Slot Machines

“Hey there, Tex. You want some free money?”

If anyone ever says this to you, run away. There’s no such thing as free money and there’s always a catch when someone tells you that there is.

If there’s anything to be gleaned from movies about gambling, it’s that casinos are evil and they want to leave you with nothing…NOTHING.

But wait. What if movies aren’t like real life? And what if your main interest lies in playing the slots?

Best Strategy For Winning At Slot Machines

Here’s some good news, there are right ways to play pokies and come out on top. If you’re careful and calculated, you can avoid the typical pitfalls of casino life using some slot machine tricks.

Let’s go over some of the best practices when hitting the slots. Here are some dos and don’ts for making the most of your trip to the casino.

Grab a pack of cheap cigarettes and put your ugliest suit on, it’s time to gamble.

  • Know your limits and play within your budget. Not setting a gambling budget is perhaps one of the.
  • Some of the top slots strategies are: Sticking to One Machine This is an extremely basic and simple strategy for the slot games, but it can be quite effective. It largely revolves around the principle of probability eventually turning in favor of the player.
  • There’s precious little strategy involved with any slot machine and to the extent any there’s less in Class II machine. Ironically, the fact that there’s so little strategy in any type of slot machine (or video keno machine) is the only thing that makes ‘Class II’ games playable at all.

Slot Machine Strategies & Tips. This page has two purposes. The first is to debunk some of the so-called “slot machine strategies” being sold by the ignorant and unethical. The other is to provide some legitimate slot machine tips that might actually help you win more often and have more fun while you’re at it. How Slot Machines Work.

Your Invitation to the Best Online Pokies in Australia

Like a punt on the slot machines?

Our top rated slots for October 2019 are the smash-hit online pokie sites: Ruby Fortune and Jackpot City Casino.

These sites include some impressive matched bonuses – up to $750 and $1600 respectively! With the potential for some seriously big wins, here’s your chance to get a piece of the action:

Wait, Money Does Grow on Trees?

That thing at the beginning about running away when someone offers you free money?

Well here’s one case where it may actually work out in your favour. Let’s talk about the first thing you should do when trying to take advantage of the slots, use no-deposit bonus codes.

If you’ve ever been to Las Vegas, then you’ve seen what can only be described as casino heaven. The Vegas strip is a veritable pig pen of casino activity, and with so much competition between establishments, the different casinos need ways to get people into their building instead of someone else’s.

That’s where no-deposit bonus codes come in. These are essentially free money vouchers. The casinos use them to bring people in the doors, where they know that will power will eventually fade away along with the free money. So evil, right?

But if you’re smart and careful, you can take this free money and use it to make more money using some of the tricks we’ll outline here.

A Couple Slot Machine Tricks

Sure, most folks just waltz on to the casino floor and just start losing money, but it doesn’t have to be that way. If you get to know the way that casinos work, then you’ll be at an advantage.

Or at least an advantage over the other gamblers. The casino always has the advantage. Remember, you’re in their house.

Loose Slots

Yep, there is such thing as a “loose” slot machine. This is an old-school term that basically means that a slot is more likely to pay out.

In the age of digital slot machines, the actual mechanics of the machine don’t cause it to pay out more, but machines today have random number generators (RNG’s) that do pay out at different rates.

Casinos always keep the machines that have higher payout rates away from the ends of the aisles and away from doorways. This is to keep gamblers from winning big on a machine and immediately taking their business elsewhere.

So always make sure to get into the thick of it before you settle down at a machine.

Best slot machine strategy

Bet Max

What? Bet the max amount? Isn’t that the quickest way to bankruptcy?

Yes and no. Machines nowadays have multiple bet lines so when you bet the max you can take advantage of multiple lines. The odds of you winning don’t increase, but the amount you win will greatly increase when you do win if you bet max.

Different machines have different volatility levels. Machines with high volatility are quicker to run you out of town, but the winnings will be way better. Low volatility machines pay out less money at a higher frequency. Keep this in mind.

Play Classic Over Video

Those big flashy video slots with all the fun graphics and loud music? They aren’t just there to entertain you. They’re there to take your money.

The video slots are there to draw people in, and it works. But the casino’s cost of running and maintaining video slots is much higher and they take up tons of space compared to the other machines, so the payout is almost always lower.

Stick to the boring old slots. There’s less to look at but you might just leave them with heavier pockets.

Random or Progressive?


Temptation is the name of the game at the casino, and progressive slots are really tempting.

A progressive slot machine is one that pools all the money from everyone that’s played it since its last jackpot. There are also multi-slot progressive jackpots that pool a few different machines to tempt people with enormous payouts.

Keep It Random, Y’All

Random slots obviously look a bit less enticing, as they have a fixed jackpot. They do, however, pay out those jackpots more frequently. Pick your poison, but often good things come to those who wait.

Pay Tables

Take a look at the pay tables of different machines to compare. A pay table shows the payout for each combination of symbols/amount bet.

Pay tables can be an indicator of a machine’s volatility, and doing a little comparison rather than just sitting down randomly at a machine can help you in the long run. It’s better to take your time and find the right machine that your research tells you is more likely to pay out.

Talkin’ Bout Practice

Did you know that practice always makes perfect? Well, not perfect in this case because it’ll never be perfect. But there are websites where you can try out some of your strategies, look at pay tables, multipliers, and other game features without losing your hard earned dough.

Check out a practice site to try out different games and learn about the nuances of each slot machine. There is a lot of variance between machines when it comes to free spins, bonus rounds, and multipliers, so it will benefit you greatly to familiarize yourself before you do it for real.

Try Math

Listen, these god-forsaken machines were built on math. And if you really want to beat them, you have to fight fire with fire. This requires a lot of time and brainpower, but it is possible to give yourself a chance.

There are loads of math based strategies available online. While they certainly don’t guarantee success, they at least allow you to feel like you’re in control over the game. Get a good pocket-sized calculator, a notepad, and a pen and go get yourself some money.

Know When to Give up on a Machine

This is an easy one. Sometimes you just have to know when to give up if a machine isn’t paying out. It’s not exactly following your gut, but more like letting the results dictate what you do.

You never want to end up like the old person sitting at the same machine for hours on end in their sweats, smoking cigarette after cigarette, dumping all of their excess money into the slots.

And what was stated earlier rings is all too true. The slots will always win in the end.

The easy way to avoid this is to have the willpower to walk away and find another machine. You can do it.

Bounce Around

Not staying too long at one machine is one of the more obvious tips. But if you have the option, bouncing around to different casinos is another good move.

Casinos are all vying for your business, and as mentioned earlier, they will offer you different perks to get you in their clutches. Why exploit the generosity of just one establishment when you can get free spins, chips, and bonuses from two? Or three? Or four? Don’t limit yourself.

Have Limits

No, but do limit yourself though. If you’re not having a good day at the races, pack it in early.

It’s really easy to go down a dark gambling hole, and that’s what the casinos want you to do. But you can always go back, so don’t be discouraged.

Set a limit for yourself on how much money you are willing to spend at this place, and fastidiously stick to it. Yes, the next spin could change your life, but what if it’s actually about 150 spins from now? Be careful out there.

Good Luck

The bottom line in all of this is that this is all luck based. If you are playing the slots and using slot machine tricks expecting to win, you’re doing it wrong! There are lots of so-called “experts” telling you how to play the pokies, but the best advice is to not let the pokies play you.

All that you can do is employ some of these strategies and hope for the best, and you’ll be in a better position than if you just go in blind. Even the most seasoned and strong-willed gambler is at the mercy of the slot machine.

In any case, good luck to all and visit our pokies blog for more articles about all things pokies or look at one of our many gambling guides to gambling in Australia.

6 Slots Tips and Tricks to Help You Win at Casino Slots

Everyone knows there are a number of casino tips and tricks to help gamblers have a fighting chance at beating the house –for example, blackjack players are able to learn basic strategy using tables while poker players can master the art of bluffing. Even good roulette players have a few strategies to help them win. But what about a good slot machine strategy? You’re in luck — there are real ways to increase your chances of winning at slot machine games.


Check out our tips and tricks for some sound advice on how to win at slots.

How Slots Work: Random Number Generators

Before you can begin conquering the one-armed bandits with your super slot machine strategy, there are a few things you need to know about how slot machines work. The best way to win at slots is to first understand how they are made, how they run, and how (and when) they are liable to drop a payout.

Slot machines run on random number generators (RNGs), which are computer programs tested and certified by a regulatory authority. The programs randomize where individual reels stop with every spin, so each spin is separate and totally independent from any other, making them completely random. The previous spins have no bearing on the next spin.

Based on that, it might sound a bit hopeless to figure out a slot machine strategy, but there are 6 ways to help you to win at slots –and we’ve listed them here so you can start winning big today.

Slot Tip #1: Learn to Move On

If you’ve been sitting at a machine for a while and you can’t remember the last time you had a winning spin, don’t wait around for things to hopefully swing back around. It’s just time to move on to another machine. The same goes for online slots games – if it’s been a while since your last win, you should probably move on to the next game. Your best option when you’re losing is to save your money for the next game in line and not throw good money after bad.

Also, keep in mind that not all slots are created equal. Some of them tend to pay off more frequently than others. Whether this is a function of the game itself, the software company, or both, it’s good to know that some slots are ‘tight’ (paying out less often) and others are ‘loose’ (more frequent payouts). Knowing which machines are loose increases your chances of winning at slots.

Slot Tip #2: Look for Loose Machines

One of the best slot machine tips: a loose slot is your best friend. They’re harder to find, but they’re worth searching for. In land-based casinos, loose machines are placed strategically. They’re usually located in highly visible areas where big wins are seen by many people, which encourages spectators to play. However, visibility isn’t always a good thing. Slot machines located in places with high visibility but constantly shifting traffic – such as airports and reception areas in restaurants – are some of the worst slots to play. It’s better to wait until you’re in an actual casino, no matter how eager you are when you get off the plane. The perfect spot to play slots is in a visible, slow-moving area with a great number of machines to switch among during cold streaks.

Online slots are obviously not arranged in neat rows in cyberspace. In the absence of a physical floor plan, there are still ways to determine whether or not a particular slot is loose or tight. The volatility rating of a particular slot determines how often—and how much—a game it pays out. Generally speaking, a low volatility slot pays out more often but in smaller amounts, while a high volatility machine pays out larger sums but not as frequently.

The volatility rating is usually listed in the stats of the online slot game. Each online slot game has a volatility rating: low, medium, or high. It’s really up to you which you prefer: long waits and huge payoffs, regular yet small wins, or a happy medium of both. You just have to ask yourself: do you gamble for the money alone, or are you in it for the thrill of the chase?

Slot Tip #3: Pay Attention to Paytables

Every single casino slot machine in the world has a paytable, and the best possible strategy on learning how to win at slots is to check that out before you sit down to play. Slot machines might look the same, but their rewards are definitely not. In the online world, paytables are usually located under the “Help” or “Rules” section of a particular game, so you are able to check them before you get invested. The paytables and paylines vary widely, so research and choose the best ones before you start throwing money into it and hoping for the best.

You can also do a bit of homework (aka Googling) to find the RTP (Return to Player) rating for a slot machine before you play it. By looking at the RTP percentage rating for a particular slot, you can see exactly what kind of advantage the slot has over the player. A rating of 97% or higher is a loose slot, 95% – 96% is average, and below 94% RTP is a tight machine. Just remember, a tight machine pays out rarely, but when it does, it pays big.

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Slot Tip #4: Jackpot or No Jackpot?

Progressive jackpots are recommended by some gamblers while others say to avoid them at all costs. The latter group argues that anything that looks that good always comes with a catch. While the ludicrous amounts of cash on offer are enticing, the potential for big rewards is coupled with low payouts. Those millions in the jackpot had to be built up somehow, and it isn’t by being generous with payouts.

On the other hand, playing for a progressive jackpot could be the only way to win millionaire money playing slots. The odds of winning a jackpot are similar to those of winning the lottery, but that’s the fun part, right? If you can control your bankroll and playing pace, the progressive jackpot offers a slim chance of walking out of the casino with money lining your pockets—and then some.

It all comes down to how much risk you are comfortable with. Our progressive jackpot slot machine strategy? Go for whatever type of slot you are comfortable with. If you want to play for kicks and you’re more than happy with winnings that are a little less than extraordinary, don’t worry about searching for games with a progressive jackpot. But if you’re looking for a chance to win big and shoot for your dream of taking your yacht to the Caribbean, then go right ahead.

Slot Tip #5: Bet What You Want

Most slots players will tell you to bet the maximum amount every time if you want to avoid losing to the casino in the long run. The truth is that your chances of winning on most slots won’t change based on the size of your bet. The only difference is pretty simple: the bigger your bet, the bigger the rewards when you win. This becomes especially important in online slots, where there are features and bonuses added to make the rewards even bigger.

Bet whatever you can afford and don’t worry about going for the maximum bet every single time. Also keep in mind your bankroll, which should be pre-determined before you start playing. Only gamble with what you can afford to lose and you’re guaranteed to have fun –without breaking the bank.

Secrets To Slot Machine Winning

Slot Tip #6: Use Your Free Trial

Best Strategy For Winning At Slot Machines

Before you pay for the real deal, it’s always a good idea to take advantage of any free trial offered. Most online casinos give players the chance to try the majority of their slots games for free before they ever have to put down real cash. A popular no deposit website also provides players with an opportunity to check out the paytables, paylines, bonus features, and progressive jackpots without risking anything.

New Winning Slot Machines Videos

Slots of Vegas offers a no-download, instant-play feature that gives players the opportunity to try out over 80 slots games, along with table games, video poker, and specialty games –all completely free. Head over to the Instant Play section at Slots of Vegas and put our slot machine tips to the test today!